HelloAll!I'm on theMarketo product team at Adobe. We are excited to take ABM to the next level and need your feedback. Your input will ensure that we invest in areas that drive the most value for you. You do not need to be an ABM ...
A majority of customers find their consultants to be their most valuable resource during their Marketo onboarding. However, we also know your time with them is limited. Check out the following advice - most of it sourced from Mark...
While there's no perfect recipe for success for your Marketo implementation, most Marketo users can agree on two things that'll make the process a whole lot smoother:1. Plan ahead of time: It's always a good idea to keep a plan or...
“Imagine you win the lottery today and quit your job tomorrow. Would someone be able to step right in and take over your Marketo instance?” This is the mindset Tori Forte, Marketo consultant extraordinaire, recommends as you’re th...
Smart list? Engagement programs? Clones? As a new Marketo user it can feel like working in Marketo is not just about learning how to use a platform, but learning how to speak a different language. If you're trying to understand al...
In the feedback from our Video Link : 2469 , we received a lot of comments asking for more information on the inaugural members of our Fearless 50. As a result, we have created a new series for our customer newsletter called How ...
With an assist from Velocity, your emails can have time-responsive content. (And I don't just mean Happy ${day_of_week}, ${first_name}!) When the same email is resent with different primary content (e.g. a weekly newsletter) Ve...

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